Users are experiencing issues with menu dropdowns not displaying correctly on their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. When users hover over menu items with dropdowns, the dropdown menus either do not appear at all or appear partially cut off ...
Journal-Community Latest Questions
Users are encountering issues with footer links not redirecting correctly on their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. When clicking on footer links such as “About Us,” “Contact Us,” or “Terms and Conditions,” users are redirected to incorrect pages or ...
Users are facing issues with the header menu items overlapping on mobile devices when accessing their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. On smaller screens, such as smartphones or tablets, the header menu items may become crowded or overlap each ...
Users are experiencing issues with the mobile menu not being responsive on their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. When accessing the website on mobile devices, the menu does not adjust or collapse properly, making it difficult for users to ...
Users are encountering issues with footer links not being clickable on their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. Despite appearing as clickable links, users find that clicking on them does not lead to the intended destinations or actions. This issue ...
Users are facing issues with the header menu not updating on their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. Despite making changes to the menu structure or adding/removing menu items in the admin panel, the updates are not reflected on the ...
Users are encountering issues with footer links not being clickable on their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. Despite appearing as clickable links, users are unable to navigate to the linked pages when clicking on them. This issue hinders user ...
Users are facing issues with the mobile menu not opening on their OpenCart website when accessed from mobile devices. Despite tapping on the mobile menu icon, the menu does not expand or show the navigation links. This issue obstructs navigation ...
Users are experiencing issues with the header menu disappearing when scrolling down on their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. Initially, the header menu is visible at the top of the page, but as users scroll down, the menu disappears, ...
Users encounter issues with footer links not being clickable on their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. Despite being visible, the links in the footer section do not respond when clicked, preventing users from accessing important pages such as the ...