Users are encountering issues with the checkout button not working on their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. When users attempt to proceed to the checkout process by clicking the checkout button, nothing happens, and the checkout process does not ...
Journal-Community Latest Questions
Users are experiencing issues with menu dropdowns not displaying correctly on their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. When users hover over menu items with dropdowns, the dropdown menus either do not appear at all or appear partially cut off ...
Users are facing issues with product images not zooming on hover on their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. When users hover over product images, the images do not zoom in or display larger versions, making it difficult for users ...
Users are encountering issues with the cart page not updating the quantity of products on their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. When users attempt to increase or decrease the quantity of items in their cart, the changes do not ...
Users are experiencing issues with the slider not displaying images on their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. Despite adding images to the slider module and configuring settings, users find that the slider remains empty or displays placeholder content. This ...
Users are encountering issues with footer links not redirecting correctly on their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. When clicking on footer links such as “About Us,” “Contact Us,” or “Terms and Conditions,” users are redirected to incorrect pages or ...
Users are facing issues with image thumbnails not displaying in the product grid on their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. When viewing product listings, users find that thumbnail images are missing or not loading correctly within the product grid, ...
Users are experiencing issues with the slideshow images not rotating on their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. Despite having multiple images configured for the slideshow, users find that the images do not transition or rotate automatically as expected. This ...
Users are encountering issues with misaligned checkout page elements on their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. When proceeding to the checkout process, users find that various elements, such as form fields, buttons, or sections, appear misaligned or out of ...
Users are facing issues with the header menu items overlapping on mobile devices when accessing their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. On smaller screens, such as smartphones or tablets, the header menu items may become crowded or overlap each ...