Users are encountering issues with the checkout page not loading on an OpenCart website utilizing the Journal theme. When attempting to proceed to checkout, users are met with a blank page, error message, or perpetual loading spinner. This prevents users ...
Journal-Community Latest Questions
Users are experiencing issues with the checkout button not functioning properly on an OpenCart website using the Journal theme. When attempting to proceed to checkout, clicking on the checkout button does not initiate the checkout process. This prevents users from ...
Users are facing issues with product reviews not displaying on an OpenCart website using the Journal theme. Despite customers submitting reviews, they are not visible on product pages, affecting the credibility of user-generated content.
Users are encountering errors during the checkout process on an OpenCart website using the Journal theme. These errors may include issues with form submission, payment processing, or order confirmation, disrupting the seamless completion of transactions.
Users are encountering issues with the shopping cart on an OpenCart website using the Journal theme. The cart items are not updating correctly when users add, remove, or adjust quantities, leading to discrepancies in the displayed cart contents.