Users are encountering difficulties with customizing colors on an OpenCart website using the Journal theme. Despite attempting to change colors through the theme’s customization options, the changes do not reflect on the frontend. This prevents users from achieving the desired ...
Journal-Community Latest Questions
Users are facing difficulties updating the color scheme on an OpenCart website using the Journal theme. Despite making changes to the color settings in the theme customization options, the updates do not reflect on the frontend. This results in inconsistencies ...
Users are facing issues with updating the footer section on an OpenCart website using the Journal theme. Despite making changes to the footer content or layout in the theme settings, the updates do not reflect on the frontend. This results ...
Users are facing issues with customizing colors on an OpenCart website using the Journal theme. Despite making changes to color settings in the theme customization options, the changes do not reflect on the website’s frontend. This prevents users from achieving ...
Users are encountering issues with the slider component on the homepage of an OpenCart website using the Journal theme. Instead of displaying images or slides, the slider appears blank or displays placeholder content, affecting the visual appeal and promotional aspects ...
Users are attempting to adjust the font size on an OpenCart website using the Journal theme but find that changes made to the font size settings do not take effect. Despite adjusting the font size settings in the theme customization ...
Users are encountering problems with the mobile responsiveness of an OpenCart website using the Journal theme. The website does not display correctly on mobile devices, leading to layout issues, distorted elements, and a poor user experience.
Users may face an issue where the slider on the homepage of their OpenCart website, using the Journal theme, is not displaying images as intended. This can impact the visual appeal of the website and hinder the promotion of featured ...
Users may encounter problems with the mobile responsiveness of their OpenCart website using the Journal theme. This can result in a poor user experience on mobile devices, affecting navigation, readability, and overall functionality.
Users may notice that the styling of their OpenCart website is incomplete or broken when using the Journal theme. This could manifest as missing colors, distorted layouts, or unformatted elements, leading to an unappealing and unprofessional appearance.